Please Select your Tickets

Booking Details

Your Tour:
You have selected a Legends Q&A with Jimmy Case & The LFC Stadium Tour on Saturday, April 26th at 11:30.
Please select who is attending the tour
Area Closure: LFC Stadium Tours booked for Saturday 26th April 2025 will NOT include the Home and Away Team dressing rooms. This is due to access requirements ahead of our home game against Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday 27th April 2025 If you would like to see these areas, please select an alternative day and the tour type 'LFC Stadium Tour & Museum'. Area Closure: LFC Stadium Tours booked for Saturday 26th Aprtil will NOT include the Home and Away Team dressing rooms. This is due to access requirements ahead of our home game against Tottenham Hotspur on 27th April 2025. If you would like to see these areas, please select an alternative day and the tour type 'LFC Stadium Tour & Museum'.

Enter Quantities





Children (Under 16)

Total Ticket Price: £0.00